Thursday, May 6, 2010

Merry Rothangpui Varte

Imali Lalneirem Varte
I was there holding the light
Expectant but fearful
I could see the pain writ on the mother's face
I could feel the pain
I could feel the breaths that came in short
Painful gasps.

An exclamation!
With beads of perspiration I waited...
She came, Its a girl!
She opened her small beautiful eyes
Lord! She's beautiful
I looked at the mother and the baby.

My heart, my love and all my tenderness came out gushing
With a sigh of relief and love I hardly knew possess
I kissed my wife and the baby
Both sleeping peacefully
And thanked God for all his blessings.

Love of my Love
Its beyond words I love you so
God bless you my two daughters-
I love you both so much
I would willingly go fetch the stars if you so asked.

May you all be blessed and
Your paths strewn with love, happiness and successes.
I'll be a husband, a father
And a friend who loves you
In brightest days or in darkest nights.

1 comment:

destinednomad said...

beautiful! proud papa... congrats once again and am sure the ladies in the house are glad to have you around.